The Impacter’s Way
The founding members of the Impacters Co-op are DELIGHTED to have you here.
We’re a cooperative group of solopreneurs growing our superpowers to make our greatest positive impact in the world.
When Julia Cameron detailed her inspirational creative practices in "The Artist's Way” it was an entirely different time. No internet, social media, or AI.
Now it’s not enough to create or do something really valuable.
You also have to figure out how to capture attention, successfully sell people, and generate word of mouth referrals.
So how do we do all that without selling our souls along the way?
We need to figure out The Impacter’s Way.
What are the best practices, tools, and systems that we can use? What is our guiding philosophy? How can we build community and support each other’s work?
Together in the Impacters Co-op, we’re finding the way. And we’ll share it here.
In this space we will collectively explore the path that solopreneurs can take to be successful in making a living, by making a difference.
Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives.
Join Friends in the Impacters Co-op
We’re a new kind of mastermind support system, where the members run the show.
As a program operated by Fuse, a Limited Cooperative Association (LCA), we are legally structured as a cooperative, not a company.
It’s like a non-profit, except we’re legally controlled by our co-op members.
It’s a grand experiment in cooperative capitalism where every member has a voice in our community-owned venture.
As the world decentralizes into interconnected micro-communities, we’re forming a tribe of like-minded solopreneurs, committed to serving deeply, personally, and impactfully.
We harness the power of collaboration to shore up our weaknesses, while leaning into our unique strengths.
Together, we’re building a future where personal value, authenticity and connection triumph over the one-size-fits-all, winner-takes-all platforms of today.
Our mission is to collectively define what it means to be an Impacter in today’s world.
As we journey together, we embrace the words of E.O. Wilson:
“If those committed to the quest fail, they will be forgiven. When lost, they will find another way. The moral imperative of humanism is the endeavor alone, whether successful or not, provided the effort is honorable and failure memorable.”
We’re here to improve our craft, and make a difference out there.
And we know that our commitment to doing our most meaningful work is what truly matters.
The core offering of the Impacters Co-op is an online Skool community that provides three pillars of value to help solopreneurs find breakthrough business success:
Action Planning & Accountability
Receiving Advice & Savings
Collaboration & Co-creation
Our core practice is to post a weekly action & accountability plan, and then we share strategies, feedback, advice, and resources to help each other succeed.
Here’s a video that we made just for you:
Please, come join us: